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Our labels are trusted by leading forensic institutions to provide durable identification solutions for investigative tools and evidence management.
Our labels play a crucial role in supporting the reliable documentation and traceability of forensic evidence, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of investigations. Designed to withstand the rigorous demands of forensic laboratories, our labels endure extreme storage conditions and exposure to forensic chemicals, ensuring integrity and traceability of critical evidence.
Ensure laboratory assets are always identifiable for efficient management and maintenance.
Track samples and laboratory assets throughout their lifecycle.
Conceal sensitive information, relabel or hide data for blinding clinical trials.
Maintain the integrity of pharmaceutical branding and critical product information.
Barcode readable on the cap and tube for fast, identifiable sample storage and retrieval.
Adherent and legible at temperatures as low as -196°C, ensuring sample identification in all storage conditions.
Keep safety and compliance information clear and accessible.
Easily identify multiple samples from a single participant.
Reliable identification for a wide range of labware, ensuring traceability and compliance.
Clear and durable identification for histology, cytology, and other microscopy applications.
Ensure products and samples are appropriately marked for safety and compliance.
Keeps data legible and intact, facilitating research and testing accuracy.
Labels that resist or change appearance post-sterilisation, providing visual confirmation of sterilisation.
Designed to indicate unauthorised access, ensuring the integrity of samples.
Labels that adhere securely yet remove cleanly and without residue.
A dedicated account expert is ready to discuss your unique requirements and design the right label for your needs.
Stephanie L
At CILS, we believe in going the extra mile for our valued customers. We deliver more than just labels.
We make them well and we make them work, for you.
We are computer printable label specialists. Pure and simple.
With nearly 40 years of expertise, our tried-and-tested approach will diagnose the right label for your unique needs. We have built our reputation on consistently creating the highest quality durable labels with excellent customer feedback.
TEL: 0800 917 0024