Configure your label

An Overview of PGAA

There are various steps you need to follow in order to obtain the UL mark and put it onto your products if using a label.

Firstly, once you have received certification for your products your UL engineer will help you understand the correct UL mark to use for your particular products. You then need to get your label designed with the correct UL mark and submit the label artwork to your local UL centre for approval. The UL label centre will review the label artwork and either provide guidance for alteration or approve it for use on your product. This approval is given by stamping your artwork, signing and returning it to you.

Alternatively, if you have been given a ‘listing or classification mark data page’ during certification, this can be given to a PGAA approved label manufacturer to create the artwork and manufacture your labels with no involvement from the UL label centre.

CILS International is a PGAA approved label manufacturer, and therefore knows what documentation needs to be held on file to provide an audit trail. Only companies found under the classification of PGAA on the UL directory website can reproduce the UL mark.

The UL mark is trademarked around the world and as such, the use of the mark is very tightly controlled in terms of who is allowed to reproduce it, also, the involvement of the label supplier differs depending on whether you have a type ‘L’ or ‘R’ UL follow up service. Only a PGAA approved label supplier will be aware of this.

Please note that PGAA only refers to the authority to reproduce the UL logo onto labels, and is not a measure of how durable or resistant a label is, for that you would need to look into UL 969 classifications etc.

This is a complex subject as the video discusses however, can be simplified if broken down into steps. This is where we come in to help guide you through the process as quickly and simply as possible whilst ensuring you get the right labels on your product first time.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your UL label needs with one of our highly experienced specialists.

Step 1

Label requirements

Step 2

Personal details

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Label requirements

Personal details